


In this society full of choices ,there are many important things , but choosing how to do is something we can do . (题目).


It is really an important concern to every one of us . With (题目),we will get many benefits. First of all , if 6条第一条 , we will 6条第一条解释  . 一句相关的废话 . Next in importance , Peter Hart , a professor from Princeton University , said , “ 6条第二条  is important.” 6条第二条 , we can get 6条第二条解释 . 一句相关的废话. Last but not least , a new research shows that 87.6% people think 6条第三条 is indispensable. If we get 6条第三条 we can 6条第三个解释 .一句相关的废话.


From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that (题目) can help us get 6条第一条 , 6条第二条 and 6条第三条 .最后一句总结(随便说一句凑字数) .


happiness:get authentic happiness 获得真正的幸福

friendship:get pure friendship 获得纯洁的友谊

health:obtain precious health 获得珍贵的健康

study:accumulate abundant knowledge 积累丰富的知识

money:acquire a lot of money 赚很多钱

status:obtain an illustrious status 获得显赫地位

文章作者: milu
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